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5 Simple Ways To Persuade Any One To Do Anything

5 Simple Ways To Persuade Any One To Do Anything


Persuading someone to do something is a vital skill in everyday life. Whether you’re asking your boss for a raise or your significant other to pick up their socks, it’s important that you know how to get what you want—and quickly. I think we can agree that persuading anyone (or anything) is easier said than done, but with these five easy-to-use tips for persuasion, your success rate will skyrocket:

Choose Your Moment.

Your best bet is to choose a time when the person you are trying to persuade is relaxed and focused, so that they can give your argument or idea their full attention. If it’s not a good time for them, then it won’t be a good time for you either.

You should also avoid trying to persuade someone when they are stressed out or otherwise distracted. These are not ideal conditions for making decisions that require careful consideration, which is what persuasion requires.

Don’t try to persuade someone who is angry or upset about something else; this will make them less likely to listen and more likely to lash out at you—both of which will make them less receptive than if they were feeling calm and collected.

Lead with a Compliment.

You’ve heard the saying “say something nice, and then ask for what you want” before, but that’s not exactly how it works. When it comes to flattery, there are a few rules of thumb you should keep in mind:

Break It Down Into Smaller Steps.

This is the most common persuasive technique, and it’s also the easiest to implement. Breaking tasks down into smaller steps makes them seem more manageable and easier to get done. It’s like when you were a child and your mother would ask you to clean up your room; she used this technique on purpose because she knew how much faster it would be for you to do it if you didn’t have to think about all of the individual pieces of clutter in front of you.

So next time someone asks if they can borrow $100,000 or asks for a big favor that seems overwhelming at first glance, break it down into smaller steps so they see how easy it will actually be (e.g., “I need some money today—can I borrow $20? Then once I get back from work tomorrow morning we can figure out what else is needed.”).

Use A Reinforcement Loop.

If you’re trying to convince someone of something, a reinforcement loop is the most effective way to do it. A reinforcement loop is a simple three-step process:

Show Them How To Win.

Now, I’m not saying you should take a hard line with your boss and tell her that if she doesn’t let you leave work early today, she’s going to lose her best employee. But you can use some of the same techniques to show how much better off everyone will be if they do what you want them to do.

For example:

If You Want To Persuade Anyone To Do Anything, These Five Tips Can Help You Succeed

If you want to persuade anyone to do anything, these five tips can help you succeed.


Persuasion is a skill that anyone can learn. The best way to get better at it is by practicing and learning from failure. But no matter what your level of experience, these five tactics will help you persuade anyone to do anything.


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