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Master The Art Of Portfolio Images With These 9 Tips

4 min read
Master The Art Of Portfolio Images With These 9 Tips

Creating portfolio images is not easy, but it is essential if you want to be a successful photographer. There are a few key things you need to keep in mind when creating your portfolio, and if you follow these tips, you will be on your way to success.

1. Use High Quality Images

When choosing images for your portfolio, ensure they are high quality and tell a story. Your portfolio is supposed to showcase your talent, so do not choose images that are blurry or poorly composed.

Images are worth a thousand words: this saying is as true for portfolio images as it is for any other type of image. After all, your portfolio is essentially a visual CV, and the right images can make all the difference in whether or not you get that dream job or client.

2. Pick The Right Portfolio Plugin

No matter your website type, a portfolio is a great way to show off your work and attract new clients. However, not all portfolio plugins are created equal. Some are better at handling different types of content, while some are more user-friendly. So do your research and pick the right plugin for your needs. What to see before getting a plugin:

– Ease of use

– Support for multiple file types

– Automatic thumbnail creation

– Lightbox integration

– Watermarking options

FooGallery is the best WordPress gallery plugin for those who want an easy-to-use platform that can handle various content types.

3. Optimise Your Images For The Web

Optimise your images for the web: When displaying images on the web, it is important to remember that you are working with limited bandwidth. Images that are too large or not optimised for the web will take too long to load, leading to a poor user experience. So make sure your photos are no larger than they need to be and use an image format designed for the web, such as JPEG. There are a few things to keep in mind when optimising your images for the web

– Make sure your image is no larger than it needs to be. There is no need to upload a full-resolution image if it is only going to be displayed at a small size on the web.

– Use an image format that is designed for the web. For example, JPEG is a good option for most images, as it provides a balance of quality and file size.

4. Use Alt Tags

Always use alt tags to describe your images. Alt tags provide essential information for users who cannot see the picture, such as those with visual impairments. They also provide context for search engines, which can help improve your site’s SEO.

5. Use A Content Delivery Network

If you have a lot of images on your website, using a content delivery network (CDN) can help ensure that your pages load quickly for visitors. A CDN stores copies of your images on servers worldwide and delivers them to visitors based on their location. This can speed up page loading times, especially for visitors far from your server.

6. Optimise Your Website For Speed

One of the essential aspects of optimising your website for better search engine ranking is to ensure that it loads quickly. Studies have shown that most users will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, so it is essential to ensure that your site’s loading time is as short as possible.

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7. Use The Correct File Format

When it comes to saving your images for the web, there are two main file formats that you can use – JPEG and PNG. JPEG is best used for photos or pictures with many colours, while PNG is better suited for text, line art, or graphics with fewer colours.

Make sure your images are the right size before you save them. If they are too large, they will take up too much space and slow down your website. If they are too small, they will look pixelated and low quality.

8. Present Your Images Correctly

You also need to know how to present them in a way that is both professional and visually appealing. When it comes to your portfolio, less is more. Avoid overcrowding your pages with too many images or other elements; instead, focus on presenting a handful of intense, visually appealing photos.

Only include high-quality images in your portfolio. Blurry, low-resolution photos will not make a good impression on potential employers or clients.

9. Create A Style Guide

Your product photos should have a consistent look and feel. This can be achieved by adhering to a strict style guide. A style guide will ensure that all your product photos have a similar look, making them instantly recognizable to your audience.


Portfolio images are a great way to show off your work and attract new clients. By following the tips above, you can master the art of creating stunning portfolio images to help you stand out from the competition. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and create some fantastic portfolio images!